Hey there Instagrammers!

Have you been working hard on your content but still feel you do not get enough views, likes, and shares it deserves?  It might be because your posts get lost in the Instagram algorithm's abyss. Don't worry, we've got you covered. In this blog post, we'll be spilling the tea on how to beat the infamous Instagram algorithm in 2023 and make sure your content gets seen by your followers and beyond.

What is an Instagram algorithm?

The algorithm in Instagram decides what content goes up the ladder, becomes a trend, and becomes visible on an Instagram user’s feed. The information provided in the content created is utilized to make relevant content appear on the user’s feed according to their interests. So in short, both the information about the user as well as the content is verified and intersected by Instagram to show up on an Instagrammer’s feed and ultimately resulting in the ranking of the content.

What you need to do to beat Instagram Algorithm?

1. Timing is everything

The timing of your posts can make all the difference in the world. The best time to post is when your audience is most active, so make sure to post during peak hours. You can use tools like Later or Hootsuite to schedule your posts for the optimal time.

2. Engage, engage, engage

Engagement is a big factor in the Instagram algorithm, so make sure to reply to comments, like and share posts from other accounts, and participate in conversations. The more you engage with your audience, the more likely your posts will be seen by a wider audience.

3. Use hashtags

Hashtags are a great way to increase the visibility of your posts. Use relevant and popular hashtags, but don't go overboard. Stick to a maximum of 30 hashtags per post to avoid spamming.

4. Get creative with your content

The Instagram algorithm loves fresh and unique content, so try to switch things up every now and then. Experiment with different types of posts, such as boomerangs, reels, IGTV, and more to keep your audience interested.

5. Collaborate with others

Collaborating with other accounts can be a great way to reach a new audience. Partner with accounts that have a similar target audience and share each other's content. This will not only increase your reach but also help you build relationships with other accounts.

6. Stay consistent

Consistency is key on Instagram. Make sure to post regularly, so your followers know when to expect new content from you. This will help you maintain a strong presence on the platform and keep your audience engaged.

What will contribute to Instagram ranking in 2023?

Every time a user logs in to their account, Instagram will be ready with relevant content that matches their taste. Ever wondered how? The algorithm is the reason. Many factors affect the ranking of content in the feeds. Let’s know the factors that will actually make  your content #trending in the year 2023.

1. Photos are here to compete

Unlike 2022, Instagram welcomes photos and not just reels. Better if you can create a carousel. So find the perfect ratio to post both your reels and pics. Both will hit the nail this year.

2. Do not forget the text

Add text to your screen even if you have a wonderful voice over or own voice to enhance your video content. The reason? Instagram is optimizing watch time. Most people tend to watch reels without sound on while among other people or in a public place. Such cases can invite more watch time if your content has text to support it and people understand the content regardless of the sound.

3. Time your post

While we already discussed the importance of timing, 2023 algorithm would favour posts that are uploaded between 9:00 am to 11:00 am, 1:00pm to 3:00 pm and 7:00pm to 10pm.

4. Keep the content coming

You need to ensure to upload as many reels as possible in a day and be consistent with the activity every single day. The content you post every day  might not go trending in a single go but a guaranteed delayed hit awaits you eventually as Instagram values consistency.

5. Listen to the hints

A recent addition in Instagram is the reels template that pop up to show the users what the current trend is. The template will contain sound, topics, format, hooks etc that the you can utilize to create your own videos and join the race to be on the trending list.

Get set go

And there you have it, folks! The secret to beating the Instagram algorithm in 2023. Remember, the key to success on Instagram is to be authentic, engage with your audience, and always try new things. Happy posting!